Many interested people came to Hamburg Higher Regional Court again today to hear the closing statement of Kenan Ayaz, the Kurd accused of PKK membership. After 15 minutes it was all over, the trial was adjourned until next Wednesday.
In the trial against Kenan Ayaz, who is on trial in Hamburg for membership of the PKK, the defendant’s closing statement was due today. The closing statement of the Kurd extradited from Cyprus to Germany had already been expected in the previous hearing, but was postponed for the second time. Once again, a large audience had come to the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, some of whom had travelled from far and wide to hear his trial statement. After 15 minutes, however, it was all over again.
First, the public prosecutor’s office justified its rejection of the motions for evidence that lawyer Antonia von der Behrens had submitted on Tuesday. Unfortunately, the poor acoustics in the courtroom meant that virtually none of the reasons could be heard. However, Judge Wende-Spohrs did not respond to complaints from several members of the audience.
Immediately afterwards, the presiding judge adjourned the hearing until 17 July, stating that the court had to deal with the defence’s motions and that defence lawyer Antonia von der Behrens was in poor health. However, the lawyer had travelled all the way from Berlin despite her poor health so that the trial would not be cancelled.
One trial observer commented: ‘It’s unbelievable how the judge abused her power to prevent Kenan Ayaz from making his statement in front of a large audience. The fact that she did not react to the poor room acoustics is also a power play. This is really undignified.’
To be continued on 17 July
Kenan Ayaz’s last word is expected to be very long and last several days; it is now scheduled to begin on Wednesday, 17 July. Further scheduled dates are 22 July, 29 July and 19 August. The trial will take place on the first floor of the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg at Sievekingplatz 3, either in room 237 or 288. The hearings usually start at 9.30 am.
The #FreeKenan solidarity group is calling for trial observers
Postal address and donation account
The website provides information in Greek, English and German about the trial and the protests in Cyprus and Germany. Kenan Ayaz is happy to receive mail. Letters can also be written in languages other than Kurdish or Turkish, as translation is guaranteed. Please note the spelling of the authority’s name ‘Ayas’ so that the letters can be delivered.
Kenan Ayas
Hamburg remand centre
Holstenglacis 3
20355 Hamburg
Donation account:
Rote Hilfe e.V. OG Hamburg
Keyword: Free Kenan
IBAN: DE06200100200084610203